1 module dcompute.driver.ocl.device;
3 import derelict.opencl.cl;
4 import dcompute.driver.ocl;
6 struct Device
7 {
8     enum Type : int
9     {
10         default_     = 0x1,
11         CPU         = 0x2,
12         GPU         = 0x4,
13         accelerator = 0x8,
14         custom      = 0x10,
15         all         = 0xFFFFFFFF
16     }
18     enum AffinityDomain
19     {
20         numa        = 0x1,
21         l4_Cache    = 0x2,
22         l3_Cache    = 0x4,
23         l2_Cache    = 0x8,
24         l1_Cache    = 0x10,
25         nextPartitionable = 0x20
26     }
28     enum PartitionProperty
29     {
30         Equally          = 0x1086,
31         ByCounts         = 0x1087,
32         ByCountsListEnd  = 0,
33         ByAffinityDomain = 0x1088,
34     }
36     enum FPConfig
37     {
38         denorm                  = 1 << 0,
39         infNan                  = 1 << 1,
40         roundNearest            = 1 << 2,
41         roundZero               = 1 << 3,
42         rounfInf                = 1 << 4,
43         fma                     = 1 << 5,
44         softFloat               = 1 << 6,
45         correctlyRoundedDivSqrt = 1 << 7,
46     }
48     enum MemoryCacheType
49     {
50         none = 0,
51         readOnly = 1,
52         readWrite = 2,
53     }
55     enum LocalMemoryType
56     {
57         local,
58         global,
59     }
61     enum ExecutionCapabilities
62     {
63         kernel,
64         nativeKernel,
65     }
67     static struct Info
68     {
69         @(0x1000) Type type;
70         @(0x1001) uint vendorID;
71         @(0x1002) uint maxComputeUnits;
72         @(0x1003) uint _maxWorkItemDimensions;
73         @(0x1004) size_t maxWorkGroupSize;
74         @(0x1005) size_t* _maxWorkItemSizes;
75         ArrayAccesssor!(_maxWorkItemSizes,_maxWorkItemDimensions) maxWorkItems;
76         @(0x1006) uint preferredVectorWidthByte;
77         @(0x1007) uint preferredVectorWidthShort;
78         @(0x1008) uint preferredVectorWidthInt;
79         @(0x1009) uint preferredVectorWidthLong;
80         @(0x100A) uint preferredVectorWidthFloat;
81         @(0x100B) uint preferredVectorWidthDouble;
82         @(0x100C) uint maxClockFrequency;
83         @(0x1000) uint addressBits;
84         @(0x100E) uint maxReadImageArgs;
85         @(0x100F) uint maxWriteImageArgs;
86         @(0x1010) ulong maxMemoryAllocSize;
87         @(0x1011) size_t image2DMaxWidth;
88         @(0x1012) size_t image2DMaxHeight;
89         @(0x1013) size_t image3DMaxWidth;
90         @(0x1014) size_t image3DMaxHeight;
91         @(0x1015) size_t image3DMaxDepth;
92         @(0x1016) bool imageSupport;
93         @(0x1017) size_t maxParameterSize;
94         @(0x1018) uint maxSamplers;
95         @(0x1019) uint memeoryBaseAddressAlign;
96         @(0x101A) uint minDataTypeAlignSize;        // Deprecated in OpenCl 1.2
97         @(0x101B) FPConfig floatFPConfig;
98         @(0x101C) MemoryCacheType GLobalMemoryCacheType;
99         @(0x101D) uint  globalMemoryCachelineSize;
100         @(0x101E) ulong globalMemoryCacheSize;
101         @(0x101F) ulong globalMemorySize;
102         @(0x1020) ulong maxConstantBufferSize;
103         @(0x1021) uint  maxConstantArgs;
104         @(0x1022) LocalMemoryType localMemoryType;
105         @(0x1023) ulong localMemorySize;
106         @(0x1024) bool errorCorrectionSupport;
107         @(0x1025) size_t profilingTimerResolution;
108         @(0x1026) bool endianLittle;
109         @(0x1027) bool available;
110         @(0x1028) bool compilerAvailable;
111         @(0x1029) ExecutionCapabilities executionCapabilities;
112         @(0x102A) Queue.Properties queueProperties;
113         @(0x102B) char* _name;
114         @(0x102C) char* _vendor;
115         @(0x102D) char* _driverVersion;
116         @(0x102E) char* _profile;
117         @(0x102F) char* _deviceVersion;
118         @(0x1030) char* _extensions;
120         StringzAccessor!(_name) name;
121         StringzAccessor!(_vendor) vendor;
122         StringzAccessor!(_driverVersion) driverVersion;
123         StringzAccessor!(_profile) profile;
124         StringzAccessor!(_deviceVersion) deviceVersion;
125         StringzAccessor!(_extensions) extensions;
127         @(0x1031) Platform platform;
128         @(0x1032) FPConfig doubleFPConfig;
129         @(0x1033) FPConfig halfFPConfig;
130         @(0x1034) uint pefferedVectorWidthHalf;
131         @(0x1035) bool hostUnifiedMemory;
132         @(0x1036) uint nativeVectorWidthByte;
133         @(0x1037) uint nativeVectorWidthShort;
134         @(0x1038) uint nativeVectorWidthInt;
135         @(0x1039) uint nativeVectorWidthLong;
136         @(0x103A) uint nativeVectorWidthFloat;
137         @(0x103B) uint nativeVectorWidthDouble;
138         @(0x103C) uint nativeVectorWidthHalf;
139         @(0x103D) char* _OpenCLCVersion;
140         StringzAccessor!(_OpenCLCVersion) OpenCLCVersion;
141         @(0x103E) bool linkerAvailable;
142         @(0x103F) char* _builtinKernels;
143         StringzAccessor!(_builtinKernels) builtinKernels;
144         @(0x1040) size_t imageMaxBufferSize;
145         @(0x1041) size_t imageMaxArraySize;
146         @(0x1042) Device parentDevice;
147         @(0x1043) uint partitionMaxSubDevices;
148         //@(0x1044) PartitionProperty* _partitionProperties;
149         //ZeroTerminatedArrayAccessor!(_partitionProperties) partitionProperties;
150         @(0x1045) AffinityDomain partitionAffinityDomain;
151         //@(0x1046) PartitionProperty* _partitionType;
152         //ZeroTerminatedArrayAccessor!(_partitionType) partitionType;
153         @(0x1047) uint peferenceCount;
154         @(0x1048) bool prefferedInteropUserSync;
155         @(0x1049) size_t printfBufferSize;
157         // Extensions
158         //@(0x200F) khrTeminateCapability;
159         //@(0x4000) nvComputeCapabilityMajor;
160         //@(0x4001) nvComputeCapabilityMinor;
161         //@(0x4002) nvRegistersPerBlock;
162         //@(0x4003) nvWarpSize;
163         //@(0x4004) nvGPUOverlap;
164         //@(0x4005) nvKerenlExecTimeout;
165         //@(0x4006) nvIntegratedMemory;
167         //@(0x4036) amdProfilingTimerOffset
168     }
170     cl_device_id raw;
172     mixin(generateGetInfo!(Info,clGetDeviceInfo));
174     //Is this a double call function? Also what to do about properties
175     //its zero terminated an can contain numbers
176     //see http://www.khronos.org/registry/cl/sdk/1.2/docs/man/xhtml/clCreateSubDevices.html under the examples
177     /*Device[] createSubDevices(cl.device_partition_property[] properites
178                                 cl.uint_ numSubDevices)
179     {
181     }
182     */
184     void retain()
185     {
186         status = cast(Status)clRetainDevice(raw);
187         checkErrors();
188     }
190     void release()
191     {
192         status = cast(Status)clReleaseDevice(raw);
193         checkErrors();
194     }
196 }